Robert G. Harris was born in Kansas City, Missouri on September 9, 1911. Determined to become a professional artist while still in High School Harris attended the Kansas City Art Institute, taking night classes. When he graduated High School he continued his art education at the Grand Central Art School in New York and the Art Students League in New York. In 1933 he set up his own art studio and began getting work doing illustrations for western pulp magazines. Harris is known for his striking colorful work in pulps. In 1937 he signed with the American Artists Agency and began doing story illustration for the major publications like Saturday Evening Post, McCalls, Good Housekeeping, Redbook, and Cosmopolitan. This oil painting is a great example of his work and is titled “The Lady Changed Her Style” it was done for the Saturday Evening Post in 1959. He worked as a illustration artist until he retired in 1961. He moved to Arizona and became a portrait artist, doing many paintings of local politicians. Harris passed away in 2007.